高鋒對決 Peak Runner

Join us for an exhilarating trail running experience designed for Hong Kong's youth. Get ready to challenge yourself, enjoy the scenic route, and support a great cause.

What's On

合辦機構 :
The Peak Hunter Foundation

我們成立The Peak Hunter Foundation ,希望以有限的資源,為年青人提供更有系統的服務;包括:越野跑訓練,為他們提供參與及體驗跑步嘅機會,從中激勵他們無論在學習或成長方面都有積極正面嘅影響,找到自己價值,培養優良品格,發揮體育精神;並提升山野禮儀,安全和環保意識。
合辦機構 :

『國際獅子總會中國港澳三O三區』成立於1960年,目的是鼓勵人們竭誠為社會服務,不論個人酬報或利益,服務人群,同情貧苦和濟弱扶危。在過往60多年以來,經過獅子會會員不斷的努力,獅子運動在港澳兩地是蓬勃發展並獲得廣大人士認同。國際獅子總會中國港澳303區貫徹「我們服務」(We Serve) 的宗旨為社會作出貢獻,凝聚社會各行各業的精英,扶助不同的弱勢社群。我們的八大志向服務對象包括有長者、青少年、癌病兒童及失明人士等社會上需要幫助的人。
Support our work!
The Peak Hunter Foundation
Surplus from this event will be fully given to TPHF in carrying out its work.
You can support us by donating via bank transfer or FPS payment:
Bank Name: The Bank of East Asia
A/C name: The Peak Hunter Foundation Limited
A/C Number: 015 514 68 107 308
FPS ID: 104285721
All donations to TPHF of HKD100 or above will be tax deductible. We will email you a donation receipt within 7 working days. Please email us your payment receipt, name and corresponding address.